Posted by : Unknown 2011/03/11

Arpeggio is a term in music that means we play tunes on a particular chord in turn. As one example ... You play the arpeggios of the chords CM7 means you will play tunes from this CM7 chord alternately (one by one) in this case means you will sound tones (C - E - G - B). To train it on your guitar I highly recommend you train in several positions. The first position on the fret 3, then the second position on the fret 7 (starting from the tone E) .. then the third position on the fret 10 (starting from the tone G), and you are able to train at fret 2 (starting from the tone B). This is just an example of a simple means to start training in key positions. Once you memorize so please train in different positions to produce different nuances of each position. Why is that ...? Because if you play arpeggios on the position of the fret CM7 3 (string 5) in position 8 (string 6) the thickness of his voice will be different.

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  1. ngomong2 kasih solusi dunk.hehe kalau syncronezer ASIO duongel dari cubase bermasalah. maksutnya saat play audio suaranya megap megap itu faktor apa ya. kususnya kalau pakai soundcard external, ditunggu pencerahannya..thnks

  2. @wisata murah : wah ini udah nyerempet ke audio ya. ..hehehe ..tapi saya coba sharing pengalaman aja..setahu saya kalo udah pake external sound card biasanya bisa diseting di streaming buffer size atau ASIO buffer size ... buat sekecil mungkin sob ... kemungkinan ke 2 : coba cek spek kompnya dulu sob ... memori udah mencukupi belum..? atau soundcardnya udah support sample rate ampe minimal 48.000 KHz .. jadi bisa real time


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